„Take a dose of your rights” – Polish Drug Policy Network’s Game

Issuing an online game „Take a dose of your rights”, co-financed from public funds granted by National Bureau for Drug Prevention is a great success of Polish Drug Policy Network. The purpose of the game is to inform users in different age, especially youth with legal and health problems, which are related to using and possessing of drugs in Poland.

„Take a dose of your rights” is an educational game with informational elements that  helps gamer to realize, that he or she can have health problems connected with using or abuse of drugs.

„Take a dose of your rights” is  promoting a Harm Reduction approach, aims to change an approach to those persons, who use drugs, but do not make harm to other people, and also promoting new legal solutions.

The Project is led in cooperation of JUMP’93 association is a so great success, because Polish Drug Policy Network, having no legal personality, has established cooperation with government body as a National  Bureau for Drug Prevention, which is very rare in Poland.

Play and see if you will win a game with polish law: